Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy Easter!!!!!

Dear family and friends,

Greetings from the great land of the United Kingdom!!  We had a great week.  We got to talk to members of our family which is always a real treat for us! 

Sunday, we had a visit from one of our dear friends, Aaron Evans.  He works for Xactware and is in London on business for a week.  He caught the train and spent the day with us.  It was so fun to see him and feel a bit of home!  We blew it though and didn’t even get a picture with him!  We went to pick him up from the train station and went to church.  After church we stopped off at Addenbrooks hospital and Brad and Aaron were able to give a blessing to a sweet girl.  She is not a member of the church, but has a friend who is.  The friend told her about priesthood blessings and she requested one.  They aren’t from around Cambridge, so they contacted our bishop to ask for a blessing.  Her mum and sister were there so it was an opportunity to explain to them what a priesthood blessing is.  They were so kind and appreciative.  We were glad to have Aaron with us, so he could use his priesthood in assisting to give a blessing.  Then we took him to Littleport with us to spend the afternoon with our friends the Tilbrooks.  Unfortunately, we ran out of time to walk him around Cambridge to see a part of this beautiful village.  We told him he will have to come back and bring Angie (and his parents!) with him.

We’ve had a fun week with the YSA’s.  We got together for FHE to watch Face to Face time with Elder Holland, Elder Hahlstrom, and Sister Stephens.  We had pizza and treats!  It was excellent.  They answered questions about marriage, sister missionary concerns, following the spirit, same gender attraction (which was superb by Elder Holland!)  One of our struggling young single adults was so impressed.  She said it is so cool that they are addressing concerns that the youth have!  It was really well done.  Tuesday night, we had a bowling night with the YSA’s.  We had 13 come and it was a party!  As I looked at these young people, I thought what a menagerie of people.  They are from several nationalities, several educational background, the kind of group you probably wouldn’t ever think they would be close friends, and yet they had a blast together.   The church really is miraculous, isn’t it!!! They were so kind to each other.  One of the guys was in a wheel chair, and they were so quick to help him and cheer for him!  I was so  proud of them all!
We also had institute this week which is always inspirational!  I served green iced sugar cookies.  We had to tell most of them why they were green!  They don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in England!  Well, they did this year!!!!

We had the opportunity to go with 4 other missionary couples on Saturday to the Classical Spectacular at the Royal Albert Hall!  We went with President and Sister Stevens, Elder and Sister Gale, Elder and Sister Williams, and Elder and Sister Burke.  We had a fabulous lunch beforehand at the Stevens place and then walked over to the concert.  It was the British Symphony, along with a wonderful choir, a percussion band, 2 fabulous opera singers, dancers and all the whistles and bells, including canons, fireworks, lazars, and a zillion balloons that were dropped at the end!  We heard a Sousa march, the 1812 Overture, pieces from Vivaldi, the Danube Waltz, Pomp and Circumstance, and others.  It was absolutely inspiring!!   Wow!  It was so fun to be in London to spend the day with wonderful friends!
The work goes on!  We know the gospel is true!  We pray for our dear sweet children and grandchildren and family every day.  We pray that during this Easter season, you will feel the spirit of the Savior in your celebrating!  If you haven’t seen it, please click on to this site and watch it;  www.followhim.mormon.org.  I was able to teach the Relief Society lesson on the Savior’s Atonement on Sunday.  As I studied this week, I felt such gratitude for the empty tomb!!!  “He is not here.  He is risen as he said!” (Matt. 28:6).  Everything that happened to the Savior the last few days of His life was known and prophecied by prophets!   “He is the light, the life and the hope of the world.  His path is the way that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.”  How we love Him!  May your Easter day be filled with love for God, His Son, and every member of our family, even our sweet Ryder and Taylor, Jeanette,  Kathleen, and Jenny!  We love you all!

Happy Birthday this week to Laura (March 23) and Mom Glauser (March 25)!  We love you beautiful women!  You are both such a source of strength and inspiration to us!!!!
With all our love,
Dad and Mom
Grandpa and Grandma
Brad and Vicki 

lazar show at Royal Albert Hall

being blasted with balloons--awesome

encore from the 1812 Extravaganza

Brad with John Cook--our favorite roadshow entrée act!!!!!!

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